Performance Details

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ShowMel Brooks Young Frankenstein The Musical
CompanyJC Players
VenueGlendale-Maspeth & Community United Methodist Churches
66-14 Central Ave/75-27 Metropolitan Avenue
Glendale/Middle Village
OpenedAug 2023
TimesFriday August 4, 8 p.m., Saturday August 5, 8 p.m., Sunday, August 6, 3 p.m., Saturday August 12, 8 p.m., Sunday, August 13, 3 p.m.
CostAdults - $22. Seniors - $20. Children - $20
Ticket Info917-647-7526
DescriptionIn this hilarious musical by Mel Brooks, based on the movie by the same name, medical doctor Frederick Frankenstein has inherited his grandfather's estate, so he heads to Transylvania, where he works with his servant Igor and Inga and Frau Blucher to create a Monster Join the Fam'ly Bus'ness and join us!
NoteThis is a community theater production whose cast and crew spans multiple generations. JC Players has been providing musical theater to the Queens community since 1995, and this year adds levity and joy to the mix with a Mel Brooks favorite. Come join us for a fabulous few hours of musical comedy fun.