Performance Details

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ShowGetting Married
Written ByGeorge Bernard Shaw
DirectorBill Logan
CompanyThe Gingerbread Players of St. Luke's Church
VenueSt. Luke's Church
85 Greenway South
Forest Hills
OpenedNov 2018
TimesSaturdays, Nov. 9 and 16, at 7:30 pm; Sundays, Nov. 10 and 17, 2:30 pm
CostDonation: $15 ($12 for groups of 6 or more)
Ticket InfoInformation & reservations: 718-268-7772 or
DescriptionGetting Married is a delightful comedy full of the wit and verbal sparring for which Shaw is rightly famous. In Bishop Alfred Bridgenorth’s house in 1908, Edith, his sixth and youngest daughter, is about to be married. The play is a hilarious and satiric discourse on marriage, with all its blessings and pitfalls
NoteThe Gingerbread Players have been producing high-quality, affordable community theater in Forest Hills, Queens, for nearly half a century. Our fall shows are dedicated to classic theater works, presented in a traditional and highly accessible style.